To help web site owners everywhere in whatever way we see fit and have fun doing so… To not require that the site owners we help have sites that fit into our theme. The types of sites we help is not important. All that matters is that we help… To put no person above any other, to have no leaders and no managers of other people, although there will be people who manage certain sites. To have no titles or anything else that separates us into categories of less than or more than anyone else. In other words, we are all equals here, and everyone's contribution to the community will be dictated not by a set of rules but by the individual's time, talent and interests… To discuss everything openly with each other and put anything to a vote that we feel is appropriate to vote on… To never require anyone to do anything they do not wish to do, or ever require any person or persons put in a certain number of hours in order to remain a part of our community… To never require anyone to give passwords and access to a site they have created and manage… And to treat each other and anyone new who cares to join us with fairness, love and mutual respect.