Volunteer Groups:

  • PetVille - A sister group to the Area52! Sites and information for pet lovers. We highly recommend you visit!
  • Athens - A CL group for Arts and Literature
  • BourbonStreet - A CL group for southern food and interests
  • Webspinner's Wisdom - A site founded by the dream of a former CL to help people with their websites
  • EnchantedForest - A CL group supporting children's websites and activities
  • Eureka - A CL group supporting businesses and entrepreneurs
  • Heartland - A CL group helping beginning website owners
  • GeoGazette - A resource site offering links to many CL groups, resources, downloads (HTML and Graphic Editors), questions, tech support, and events across the web for everyone. Quickly developing! Recommended!


    Resource Sites:
  • HTML Goodies - A great site that offer tutorials on nearly everything in HTML and Javascript, with some DHTML and graphic help too! *highly recommended*
  • Webmonkey - A search engine for things you need to know about, also has lots of tutorials.
  • WebReference.com - A huge reference site with expert help, tutorials, and some samples if you need help with HTML, DHTML, graphics (even 3d), javascript, and more.
  • Terminator3's Web Pages - A geocities help site that offers many services, but some of the links are broken because the pages have moved. However, it is still a good help site for beginners.
  • Basic HTML - Kipapa put this brief tutorial together to help beginners learn the basics of HTML coding.
  • Atlantis File Manager Help - The Atlantis CC has put together an excellent resource for people that need help with GeoCities' File Manager. The page includes screen-shots and is very easy to follow.
  • Atlantis PageBuilder Tutorial - Another area put together by the Atlantis Group, this page offers a run through on Pagebuilder, a popular webpage builder featured in GeoCities.
  • JavaPowered.com - Offers hundreds of java applets in an organized fashion, from effects to games to text to navigation, almost anything you might want. Also has some tutorials on how to create your own java applets.
  • JavaSide.com - Lots and lots of java applets, just like JavaPowered.com.  Offered in both English and French!  Searchable.
  • Freewarejava.com - More Java! Great stuff, eh?
  • Freefungames.com - Free Java applet games for your website. A great tool to bring visitors back to your website for more and more games.
  • Hitbox - A counter and statistics service. Also has some other useful utilities for your website, like...
  • Hitbox Doctor - Checks the html of your site and hunts those pesky errors. The best of us miss a slash or space here and there. It's free, and you need it, so go there.
  • ? - PSP tutorials. Quite useful if you make your own graphics or are thinking about it and are looking for some more tips and tricks. There's always something more to learn.

  • Maxpages.com - Free website with 50mb space, banners necessary, but NO FTP. All work on your pages must be through their file manager, editor, and upload system.
  • Tripod.com - Free website with 50mb space, banners necessary, but NO File Manager. All work on your pages must be done offline and uploaded via FTP.
  • Angelcities - Free website with 50mb space, banners necessary.
  • Yahoo!Geocities - Free website with 15mb space, banners or the Y! in-browser pop-up (which really isn't bad!). As much as we don't like Yahoo! for corrupting GC, ditching the CL program, and several other things, their little pop-up is much better than those nasty pop-ups from other free hosts and their file manager and ftp system is really much better than anything I've seen. Easy, simple, clean. They offer some nice extras for your site too.
