Common HTML Tags

Here's a list of the more commonly used tags.
Tags consist of two parts,the beginning tag and the end tag.

Beginning tag...<CENTER>
End tag... </CENTER>

Note the / in the end tag? That is where the effect of the beginning tag ends.
Your text, images, etc. must be inserted between the two tags in order for the effect you want to take effect on the text you are working with.



<CENTER><B>Your text here please...</B></CENTER>

will render or show this...

Your text here please...

All tags except the paragraph <P> tag, MUST have a matching end tag.

TIP:If you print this page out it would be much easier to use while you work on your own home page, since you'd have the codes right at your finger tips.

This tag gives you the ability to choose a color and size for individual bits of text.You can change the color by substituting another hexadecimal color code for the one provided below,and change the size by changing the + to a - and/or changing the "3" to any number between 1 and 7,with the + sign, 1 being the smallest size and 7 being the largest,the use of a minus sign,however, has the opposite effect,-7 is tiny,and -1 is bigger,but still small than +1.

<FONT SIZE="+3" COLOR="#FF0000">Your text here...</FONT>

Here's what the above tag looks like...

Your text here...

To add a picture...

<IMG SRC="dogrun.gif">

This will give you a picture like this....

My pet, do not take this image, please.

To add a basic link to another page on your own website:

<A HREF="xxx.html">My Dog page.</A>

To add a link to a web page of someone else's:

<A HREF="">The Wolf Dog page.</A>

If you want your links stacked one on top of the other, be sure you add a line break between each one like this...


<A HREF="xxx.html">The Dog page.</A>

<A HREF="xxx.html">The Canine Cat-lovers Guild.</A>

<A HREF="xxx.html">The Sissy Dog Chronicles</A>

<B>your text here.</B>
Makes your text BOLD.

<I>your text here.</I>

Makes your text  italics.

<U>your text here.</U>

Makes your text Underlined.


Used to begin a paragraph.

This is a line break, and is used to end a sentence. Also can be used to provide spaces between text, links or images by using multiple <BR><BR> and so on.


This little ditty is called a NOBREAK, basically what it does is provide a tiny blank space without actually causing a line break,good for aligning an image or putting spaces it text,like this...        see         the         spaces         between         the         words?        There         are         eight         &nbsp;         between         each         word         to         give         you         an         idea         of         how         it         works.

<BLOCKQUOTE>your text here.</BLOCKQUOTE>

This is a paragraph made using the <BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE> tag. As you can see, it creates a block of text slightly indented. It can be used to show someone is being quoted. It can also make a block of text look more tidy.
<CENTER>your text here.</CENTER>

This will center your text or picture.

<P ALIGN="RIGHT">your text here.</P>

This will force your text or picture over toward the right side of the page.


This gives you a simple line to divide the sections of your page.

<A HREF="">text or email image here</A>

This will place a clickable link with your email address on the page. Clicking on it will bring up the persons email program with your address already inserted.
You can either put text, like the words "EMAIL ME!" in the area between the beginning tag <A HREF="">or a small image depicting an email box or something,and the end tag,</A>.Of course,substituting your personal email address for the words "".

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